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Lapaz M. I., Huguet-Tapia J. C., Siri M. I., Verdier E., Loria R., and Pianzzola M. J. (2017) Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Streptomyces species causing potato common scab in Uruguay Plant Disease Ver el artículo
Achigar R., Magadán A.H., Tremblay D.M., Pianzzola M.J.,and Moineau S. (2017) Streptococcus thermophilus: genome analysis of phages isolated in Uruguay and ectopic spacer acquisition in CRISPR array Sci Rep. Mar 6;7:43438 Ver el artículo
Guarischi-Sousa R., Puigvert M., Coll N.S., Siri M.I., Pianzzola M.J., Valls M., and Setubal J.C. (2016) Complete genome sequence of the potato pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum UY031 Standards in Genomic Sciences 11, 7 Ver el artículo
Croce V., Pianzzola M.J., Durand K., González-Arcos M., Jacques M.-A., Siri M.I. (2016) Multilocus Sequence Typing reveals high variability among Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis strains affecting tomato crops in Uruguay European Journal of Plant Pathology 144(1): 1-13 Ver el artículo
Siri M.I., Sanabria A., Boucher C., Pianzzola M.J. (2014) New type IV pili related genes involved in early stages of Ralstonia solanacearum potato infection Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27(7): 712-724 Ver el artículo
Zuluaga A.P., Ferreira M.V., Pianzzola M.J., Siri M.I., Coll N.S., Valls M. (2014) A novel, sensitive method to evaluate potato germplasm for bacterial wilt resistance using a luminescent Ralstonia solanacearum reporter strain Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27(3): 277-285 Ver el artículo
González M., Galván G., Siri M.I., Borges A., Vilaró F. (2013) Resistencia a la marchitez bacteriana de la papa en Solanum commersonii Dun. Agrociencia 17(1): 45-54 Ver el artículo
Lapaz M.I., Verdier E. and Pianzzola M.J. (2012) First Report regarding Potato scab Caused by Streptomyces acidiscabies in Uruguay Plant disease 96(7): 1064 Ver el artículo

2012. Sanabria A., Siri M.I., Pianzzola MJ. Aplicación de la técnica de PCR en la detección de Ralstonia solanacearum en campos paperos. INNOTEC, 7:49-54. 2011. Siri M.I., Sanabria A., Pianzzola M.J. Genetic and aggressiveness evaluation of Ralstonia solanacearum strains causing bacterial wilt of potato in Uruguay. Plant Disease, 95(10): 1292-1301. 2010. Colnago P., Achigar R., González P.H., Peluffo S., González Idiarte H., Pianzzola M.J., and Galván G. 2010. IYSV in onion: first report in Uruguay. Plant Disease, 94(6): 786. 2009. Guidot A., Elbaz M., Siri M.I., Pianzzola M.J., Prior P., Boucher C. Specific genes from the potato brown rot strains of Ralstonia solanacearum (phylotype IIB, sequevar 1 historically known as race 3, biovar 2 strains) and their potential use for strain detection. Phytopathology, 99(9): 1105-1112. 2009. Siri M.I., Galván G., Quirici L., Villanueva P., Ferreira F., Franco Fraguas L., Pianzzola M.J. Molecular marker diversity and bacterial wilt resistance in wild Solanum commersonii accessions from Uruguay. Euphytica, 165: 371-382. 2005. Siri M.I., Villanueva P., Pianzzola M.J., Franco Fraguas L., Galván G., Acosta M., Ferreira F. In vitro antimicrobial activity of different accessions of Solanum commersonii Dun from Uruguay. Potato Research, 47: 127-138.

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